Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 15
Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:100618 Library:100505 in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 15
Notice: Undefined variable: fond in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 47
Notice: Undefined variable: fond in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 48
Notice: Undefined variable: fond in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 49
Notice: Undefined variable: fond in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 50
Notice: Undefined variable: fond in /home/maroctim/public_html/diplome/dip_3km_tangerfestigare2019.php on line 55
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